Weekly News August 18, 2019

Weekly News March 22, 2020

CONTINUING TESTAMENT We believe that God is STILL speaking, and while our faith is two thousand years old our thinking is not.

We believe that no matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here; because unity (not uniformity) is valued, diversity is treasured, and adversity is not feared.

CHANGING LIVES We believe that participation in this faith community changes lives both within and beyond the walls of our sanctuary.

Paraments are Purple for the Season of Lent

Due to the Emergency due to to Corona-virus, the church has been closed and all programs suspended.
Sunday Services will be Live Streamed weekly at 10am.

WORSHIP DURING LENT The season of Lent is set aside as a time of prayer and reflection. It is a chance to take a break from our normal routines and focus our hearts more closely upon God. During this season, we will be doing some different things during the worship services to allow opportunities for prayer and meditation.
Please be seated for our Benediction, then remain seated for the Benediction Response. Allow the music to surround you and draw you closer to God.

SAVE THE DATE The Service of Installation, for Reverend Scott Cousineau will be on Sunday, April 26, at 4:00 PM. Representatives from the Maine Conference, UCC and the York Association will be participating in the service. Please plan to join us for this special celebration.

First Parish of Saco Communication Covenant

Recognizing that we are all Children of God, created equally in the image of God, therefore deserving of respect and required to have integrity as individual persons, and recognizing that the work of community involves understanding and embracing diversity, we covenant with God and each other, to communicate in the follow ways:
Value input from everyone equally.
Encourage all to participate. Monitor the length and frequency of our own comments during conversations.
Listen attentively to everyone involved. Use electronics constructively and respectfully.
Describe behavior, with love and without judgment, when giving feedback, being mindful to focus on the issue not the person.
Speak directly and respectfully to the person with whom we have a concern.
Tell your own stories, speak of your own experiences and avoid reporting the grievances or experiences of others. Use ā€œIā€ statements.
Engage in collaborative dialogue.
Respect and honor the confidentiality of all private information.

Empowered through this covenant we will seek reconciliation as children of God and followers of Jesus Christ.

  Adopted 4.10.17


Congregational Church


