Offering, Service, Gift or Bequest


Simply said, it is in the act of giving that we receive.  Through selfless giving we discover that we become the one who is nurtured and fed.  We’ve seen this in the news when a major disaster strikes, people come out of the wood work and give based on the real needs of real people.  Communities are transformed and become more loving and caring.  People reach out to one another, some driving long distances to lend a hand.  These acts warm our heart and soul but look into the heart and soul of those who have given and we will see the light of Christ.

Now think about our church and its ministry and its missions.  Giving to First Parish is a selfless act that transforms this church that has sat at the crossroads of Saco for over 250 years.  The question to ask here is how much of a distance did we travel to help First Parish Church transcend and allow the light of Christ to enter our soul?  Offerings, gifts, services, and bequests are our vehicles to transport God’s love to real needs of real people.  From those thankless yet powerful acts of giving we go beyond keeping the staff paid and the lights on, we follow the One who showed us what real love and real sacrifice is about.

Offering Completed Online
It is easy to provide a financial offering securely through our website using PayPal.  All transactions are confidential and your financial information is safe. First Parish follows a strict policy of not sharing any personal or financial information about parishioners.  The button below leads you to the secure PayPal donation form. 


Offering Completed Electronically Through Your Bank
Should you choose to have your bank send us your offerings directly, please contact your financial institution to make those arrangements with them.  

Service: An Offering of Yourself
You may explore our ministries page to discover which team or group interests you the most. Wonderful fellowship opportunities abound as you serve Christ through the gifts and talents you can bring forth. At the same time you will be afforded the opportunity to develop new skill sets and to increase your spiritual self through service.  Click button to explore our ministry teams and groups:

Explore a Team

Gifting and Bequest


Consider a gift of either money or property to benefit the ministry and missions of First Parish Church. Those who gift understand the unique history of our church, which is over 250 years old, and the importance of its vision to provide love, comfort, and hope through Christ.  A gift is given to someone to use as they wish. 

Those who make a planned gift to First Parish Congregational Church, UCC, can bequest money, property or securities – often through a will. This bequest can be designated for First Parish according to your wishes.
Charitable gift annuities or an annuity trust allow the donor to make a gift that returns income to you and/or a family member. To assist you in this approach we suggest you look at a financial management group such as Comerica (click).
Contact FPC's Office Administrator at or 207-283-3771 for assistance. Keep in mind that First Parish Congregational Church, UCC, does not act as legal counsel or financial advisor to donors.

To give is... let go, bestow, tender, entrust, offer, furnish or contribute, award, proffer, present, guide or direct, manifest, afford access, devote, place in another's hands. Amen.!

Congregational Church


