Scott%27s Weekly Greeting...

Scott's Weekly Greeting...

Author: Rev. Scott Cousineau
February 18, 2020

You have probably heard people say things that sound something like this:

"I am not a perfectionist, but ... I do like things a certain way."
"I am not a control freak, but ... I do like to know what is going on."
"I am not a coffee snob, but ... I am a coffee enthusiast."

Okay, I AM a coffee snob, but I am not a perfectionist or a control freak. Although ... I do like to be in control ... a little bit. And I do put pressure on myself to do things a certain way.

I do not think that I am alone in this. We all want to have some amount of control of our lives and our surroundings. We want to know what is going to happen, when and how it will happen. Other than parties, we do not want any surprises. In addition, we strive to perform in ways that will be successful and we want to be proud of our work. Not many people strive for the "Ehh ... That Will Do" award.

When I was a younger man, I was part of a group of friends that would occasionally help other friends move. We called ourselves the "So-So Movers". We were only so-so good, and if we broke your stuff we were so-so sorry!

In reality, we do recognize that perfection is not easily attained. Try as we may, perfection is elusive. There are those who say that chasing after perfection is a fool's errand. But, that is exactly what Jesus calls us to do and be. He says, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Wow! Not just perfect ... earthly perfect. No ... Godly, divinely perfect! That is a tall order! How can Jesus really expect us to climb that mountain?
Join us Sunday morning at 8:00 AM or 10:00 AM as we explore what it means to 'be perfect.'

All are welcome!


Congregational Church


