Scott's Weekly Greeting

Scott's Weekly Greeting

Author: Rev. Scott Cousineau
March 31, 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting ...

Many, if not most, of you know that I am a BIG sports fan. The last three weeks of physical distancing have been a real struggle for me. I have resorted to watching marble racing and videos created by out-of-work sports broadcasters giving play by play narrations of everyday life!

Yes ... I said marble racing. It is surprisingly exciting ... when there are no other options.

I USED TO listen to sports talk radio, but right now there is nothing to talk about.
I USED TO text my brothers during the games second-guessing the coaches and players on the fields.

I used to do a lot of things. We all did. We are in the midst of adjusting to a new "normal," and it is not easy. Everything that we used to do on a regular basis we have to do in a different way. It is imperative that we do so, because the alternative is terrifying and heartbreaking to consider.

We are just a few days away from one of the most important and meaningful weeks of the church year. Holy week will be very different this year. We will miss the pageantry of Palm Sunday as the children process down the aisle waving their palms. We will miss the emotion and the weight of Maundy Thursday as the sanctuary descends into darkness. We will miss the glory of Easter as the organ and choir raise the roof and our spirits as they lift joyful music heavenward.

However, perhaps all of these will become more meaningful.

The crowds shouted, "Hosanna!" but the disciples were anxious about the things that Jesus had told them.
Jesus gathered for the Last Supper in a private home not in a grand sanctuary.
The tomb was approached by Mary and Mary and the disciples with hearts filled with sadness and fear.
The joy came later. The 'glory hallelujahs' came later.

Let us not approach the week ahead with sadness for the things that we will miss. Let us approach it with open hearts and minds. Let us look for opportunities to find meaning in the extraordinary. Let us experience God in the smaller, quieter moments.
If you have not already done so, create a worship space in your homes. Make it special with cloth and candles. Consecrate it as sacred space. Stop by the church on Saturday between 10:00 AM and Noon and pick up palm leaves. When you shop next week, pick up bread and juice (or wine) for communion on Maundy Thursday. Think of ways that you can decorate your home for your Easter celebration. Make stained glass windows using tape and window paint.

May the week ahead be a blessing for you all! And may God's wonderful peace be with you.

Pastor Scott


Congregational Church


