Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c May 5%2c 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting, May 5, 2020

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
May 05, 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting ...

Because of the uncertainty and difficulty of the last few weeks, the Board of Deacons and I have had a weekly check-in time. Every Friday we discuss the pastoral care needs of our church family and the wider community. Being able to DO something has made these days more bearable and it has also enabled us to be more responsive to the needs of the congregation.

This past Friday we discussed the new guidelines for reopening the state presented by Governor Mills. Under those guidelines, groups of ten or less are permitted during the month of May. That number increases to groups of fifty or less in June. In both cases, proper social distancing protocols must be followed including wearing masks as well as proper cleaning and disinfecting. We discussed at length how we could resume public gatherings for worship under those conditions. We discussed several scenarios, and in the end we determined that none of them would guarantee the health and safety of those who gather here.

Therefore, the Deacons voted unanimously to continue online worship only through the month of June. It was a disappointing but necessary decision. The health and well-being of our families and friends is our priority. As much as we want to be together, we want no one to become infected by a push to re-open too quickly. We will evaluate as we go.

Based upon that decision, I am so THANKFUL that this Sunday, May 10, is Music Sunday! We need to lift our spirits. We need to celebrate the music of our faith. We need to song our songs of praise!

Our service on Sunday will feature the highlights of our wonderful music ministry at First Parish Church. All of our choirs will share selections that they performed this year. We are truly blessed by all of those who share the gift of their music!!


Congregational Church


