Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c September 2%2c 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting, September 2, 2020

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
September 02, 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting ...

I just went for a walk. Not a long walk, just a walk around the block. I had considered popping my earbuds in and listening to music as I walked, but decided against it. And I am so glad that I did. As I walked, I was able to listen to the world around me. I thought that I would hear birds ... but I did not. I heard crickets and other buzzing bugs. I heard the leaves rustling in the breeze, and I heard fallen leaves dancing across the pavement. I heard children playing and the faint sound of construction workers some distance away. I heard music coming from the cars that drove by, and ... sadly ... the blare of a car horn that made me jump out of my skin because one woman had the audacity to change lanes without the other driver's approval. But I digress.

As I walked I also saw some things in the neighborhood that I had never noticed before. We observe far less of our world when we drive through it. I noticed the architectural adornments on the facade of the C. K. Burns School, and also what the 'C' and 'K' stand for. I noticed the intricate details on one of the houses around the corner. I appreciated the gardens that some of our neighbors have planted and lovingly maintained.
The walk did enable me to smell things that I wish I had not smelled ... but that is a post for another day.

As I walked, I was reminded that there is wonder all around us. So often, wonder is discovered in the tiny things. We marvel at sunsets and rainbows, but often miss the cricket song. We marvel at the majestic, but often miss the magnificent miniscule. How often do we move through the world without noticing the beauty that surrounds us?

Have you ever gone on a walk with a three-year-old? (Or a beagle?) Everything is fascinating! A rose petal ... a stick ... an acorn ... are all items that need to be picked up and examined. A sound ... a flash of movement ... an inviting smell ... all need to be investigated. Everything is wonder-filled!!
I was so happy when our Christian Education Director, Kris Galasyn, showed me the curriculum for this year. It is Celebrate Wonder! I am thrilled that we will encourage our children, youth and adults to spend the year exploring, discovering and growing in wonder! Because when we do, we will find God everywhere!

This Sunday in worship, we will introduce our theme for the year. Sunday school classes will begin next week, September 13. Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, Sunday school will be virtual as we begin the program year. We will offer the first lesson next week during the worship service ... and then we will have a drive-through parade after worship so that families can pick up their take home packets. We look forward to seeing all of our Sunday school families next week!

I hope that you will be able to join us for worship on Sunday morning. The message, "Rest," will be based upon Jeremiah 31:23-26. We will celebrate the Last Supper this week. So prepare your worship space and communion elements. To join us for our online service, just go to our website: and click on the "Watch Now" button. If you cannot join us Sunday at 10:00 AM, you can view the service on the church's YouTube channel.

God bless you all.


Congregational Church


