Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c July 28%2c 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting, July 28, 2020

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
July 28, 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting ...

One of my favorite summer past-times is watching the Red Sox play baseball. I am not necessarily a baseball fan. I will not typically watch a random game for the love of the game. I am a Red Sox fan. I enjoy settling in, watching the games, and then commenting on Facebook. Apparently, there are also people out there in Facebook world that enjoy reading my Red Sox commentary.

Obviously, the coronavirus upset the apple cart this year. There was a lot of discussion whether or not there would even be a Major League Baseball season this year. Eventually, the players and owners agreed upon a truncated (sixty game) season which included a plethora of health and safety protocols for the teams, and certain changes to the play on the field. The season began last week, and I was thrilled to watch the Red Sox' home opener against the Baltimore Orioles. The Sox clobbered them! Go Sox!

However ... games two, three and four have not been as enjoyable to watch. The Red Sox lost all three games because their starting pitching has been abysmal. My joy over the return of Red Sox baseball was short-lived. Chalk up another disappointment for 2020.

I know ... it is only four games. Maybe they will turn things around. Maybe.

How many times have we thought that this year? How many times have we uttered that hope-filled phrase? When the coronavirus shutdown began in mid-March, we all thought that it would last for a couple of weeks. Then it was a month ... then two. Maybe things will turn around.

After the killing of George Floyd we witnessed marches, demonstrations and protests around the country. We saw anger turn into violence. We saw riots and burning buildings. We heard about outside agitators and radical groups. We heard irrepressible cries for justice and equality, and began educating ourselves on the centuries old problem of systemic racism. With millions of voices calling for reform, we thought maybe things will turn around.

I do not need to go through the litany of unrest. We have seen the news reports. We know about the finger pointing and the name calling. We know about the anger and the divisiveness. And we know how tired we are.

We want our lives back. We want to return to our favorite activities. We want to hug our families and love our neighbors. Our hearts break and our spirits ache. We want healing to begin.

This week in worship, we will join Jesus and the disciples in a wilderness place. They were followed by a throng of people searching ... wanting to be fed ... and Jesus gave them what they needed. (Matthew 14:13-21) As we make our way through these difficult days, we understand the hunger of the crowd. We feel their hunger of their souls. Jesus offers us the same life-giving bread.


Congregational Church


