Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c May%2c 26%2c 2021

Scott's Weekly Greeting, May, 26, 2021

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
May 26, 2021

Scott's Weekly Greeting, May 26, 2021 ...

I looked in the mirror as I shaved this morning and I saw an older man looking back at me. Perhaps it was the swath of shaving cream ... but it seemed as though my face wore a few more wrinkles than I remember, and my hair seemed a little more silver than brown. Apparently, my ordination did not make me immune to the aging process.

Despite the new contours on my face and my fancy, silver hair, I feel as though I am in regular contact with the child within. Certainly, my collection of puppets and costumes would reinforce that assertion. Despite the question that sometimes comes to mind in the morning, "Why am I sore from sleeping?!?!," I get out of bed eager to face an exciting new day.

We are familiar with the story about the time that people were bringing their children to Jesus and the disciples tried to shoo them away. 'Don't you bother Jesus with these kids!' But Jesus stopped them and said, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." Jesus knows the promise and the treasure that lies within the heart of every child. He knows the openness and inquisitiveness of their minds. He knows the love that they can share with the world if only they are nurtured and instructed in that way. Jesus probably even knew that young children could master technology while we search for that blinky thing on the screen!

For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. The lesson that day was not for the children, it was for the disciples and every other adult that could hear. Walk in the world with the wonder of a child. Be curious and ready to explore. Play and laugh as often as possible. Be kind and generous, and be open to new ways of thinking and being in the world. Love exuberantly, say 'hi' to strangers, and let your eyes shine with joy.

Perhaps we should let the children have a chance to run the world. My guess is that there would be a lot less fighting.


Congregational Church


