Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c May 18

Scott's Weekly Greeting, May 18

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
May 18, 2021

Greetings First Parish Family and Friends!

It is party season! After most, if not all, celebrations were cancelled last year, our young people are able to celebrate this year. I have driven past Laurel Hill and seen clusters of youth having their photos taken before they head off to prom. High schools and universities have gotten creative and innovative so that their students can celebrate graduations in person. And many of the weddings that were delayed or postponed are on the calendar for this summer.

Certainly, the revised guidelines released by the CDC and the lifting of restrictions has given everyone a sense of freedom. It is exciting news! However, let us not be under the impression that we have burst forth from the tunnel free and clear. Let us not throw all caution to the wind. We worked very hard to get to where we are today. We have made tremendous sacrifices. We have also made great innovations that helped us get through the pandemic. Let us remember that there are still those in our communities that are vulnerable. Let us remember that struggles that affect one of us affect all of us.

First Parish Church houses two school programs. Every day we have young children, teachers, therapists and counselors in our building. Therefore, we ask that all people coming into the church continue to wear masks. We thank you for your consideration, care, and cooperation. If the numbers continue to track in a positive way, we will be able to shed them soon enough. Please be patient.

This week in worship we celebrate the birthday of the church ... Pentecost! Talk about celebration season! The Sunday school lesson and the message will both focus upon that familiar passage from the Book of Acts (2:1-12). The choir is also working on a special virtual anthem.


Congregational Church


