Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c April 6%2c 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting, April 6, 2020

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
April 06, 2021

Wow! What a wonderful Easter celebration! The glorious music is still reverberating through my heart, and mind, and soul!

It is hard to believe that we are still worshipping on a virtual platform after a year apart. It was fabulous to sing the Hallelujah Chorus, but I dearly wish that we would have had three hundred ... or more ... voices in the sanctuary rattling the rafters. There are some milestone moments that you wish you did not have to mark.

Then there are those milestone achievements to which you look forward with great anticipation. I am certain that you can think back and recall getting your driver's license, or your wedding day, or landing your first professional placement of your career. Some milestone moments just happen, others you have to work for, strive for, prepare for. Those latter milestones are generally the most rewarding and meaningful.

This week we will be celebrating one of those milestone moments. In the fall of 2019, we began meeting with the 2020 Confirmation Class. The youth and their mentors met faithfully studying, learning and growing together. It is always such a pleasure to lead youth towards that confirmation moment, and we were almost there ... until we were a million miles away. COVID-19 hit and confirmation was put on hold. When asked if they would like to have their confirmation as a part of one of our virtual worship services, the group agreed that they would rather wait until we were able to gather as a church family. Little did we know how long our separation would last. At the time, we thought that we might be apart for a couple of months at most.

But here we are a full year later. At a meeting with the group a few weeks ago, they decided to proceed. This celebration will be different, like so many other things have been different this year. But it will be special ... perhaps even more special. It will be a meaningful moment in the lives of the youth, and the adults that have journeyed with them over the past year and a half. This milestone moment is greatly anticipated and not one that we will ever forget!


Congregational Church


