Scott%27s Weekly Greeting%2c April 21%2c 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting, April 21, 2020

Author: Rev. Scott Cousineau
April 21, 2020

Scott's Weekly Greeting ...

I saw people today! I spoke to people ... live ... face to appropriately distant face ... today!! I was quite interactive actually. I spoke to a person at the coffee shop drive-thru. I spoke to the people dropping off donations for the food pantry. I spoke to the person watering the plants at the church and the person helping with a little project.

I fear that there will be a day, when the coronavirus is a distant memory, that we will once again take these interactions for granted. But for now, we cherish the wonderful gifts of community and connection.

Social media and technology have been blessings that have enabled us to remain connected. They have been our lifeline to community. But it was so nice to see people in three dimensions. It was nice to hear voices that had depth and texture. It was nice to interact without buffering or lag, without having to wait for the spinning wheel of 'processing ...'

Technology has enabled us to conduct our business; we have virtual meetings and lessons. Even with the glitches that I just mentioned, technology has given us opportunities to connect in ways that we never have done prior to our home isolation. A number of people have commented, myself included, that in some ways we connect more often now. Just last week I attended a virtual hang out with the Youth Choir and a talent show with the Senior Choir! And in both cases, it was clear that everyone enjoyed being 'together.'

Oh, what stories we will share when we are together once more.

This Sunday, we will explore the story of two men walking home following the miracle of Easter. The two shared their stories of all that they had heard about Jesus rising from the dead. So engaged were they that they did not even recognize Jesus when he joined them on the road! There he was ... Jesus ... in three-dimensional flesh and their eyes were prevented from recognizing him. (Luke 24:13-35)

I do not think that I have to warn you about a spoiler, we know how the story ends. Right? Or do we?

What was it about that encounter that prevented them from recognizing Jesus?

What can we learn from them? In what ways may we be prevented from recognizing him?

Let us ponder these questions together.


Congregational Church


