The Message%2c July 2%2c 2023%3a %22Radical Welcome%2c%22 Matthew 10%3a40-42

The Message, July 2, 2023: "Radical Welcome," Matthew 10:40-42

Author: Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
July 04, 2023


“Radical Welcome”
A Message by Rev. Scott W. Cousineau
Matthew 10:40-42

Opening Illustration: The mug.

            Approximately thirty years ago, my sister gave me a beautiful, matched set of a bowl and mug. The mug was the perfect size and shape for my morning and evening coffee; not too big, not too small, and curved in at the top to retain the heat. The handle was just the right shape and the mug fit perfectly in my hand. I drank my coffee out of that mug EVERY day for twenty-five years. Every day ... with the exception of those rare occasions when we were on vacation.

            On a dark day, about five years ago, tragedy struck. For some reason, I brought the mug upstairs with me when I was getting dressed. I placed it on top of the bureau … and as I put my arm through the sleeve of my shirt, I bumped my mug. It toppled to the floor and shattered. Thankfully, it was empty, so no coffee was lost in the event. But my faithful coffee companion was gone.

            I knew that my sister had purchased it in Philadelphia, but she could not remember where. It had been twenty-five years. I looked at the mark on the bottom of the bowl but could not make it out. And the reality was that I was not likely going to be able to find the artisan that crafted that mug.

            For the last five years, my family has embarked on a quest to replace my precious mug. They have purchased mugs at craft fairs and yard sales. None of them were the “perfect” shape or size. My wife even special ordered a mug from a potter in France! It was just too small. Apparently, I am like the Goldilocks of coffee mugs. I have gone to craft fairs myself and spoken to potters. I have sketched the mug for them and left my contact information … but have never heard a word from any of them. (Apparently the word has spread through the pottery world … “Watch out for the MUG guy!”)

            There was nothing wrong with any of the mugs that my family acquired for me. They are all perfectly good mugs … they are just not perfect enough for me.

            Here is the mug that I currently use for my coffee. I use it every single day. I used it this morning. The size and shape of the mug are close. It is a suitable replacement. Renee also special ordered this one for me from the National Park Service.

            But the quest continues …

            Obviously, this is a ridiculous story that probably tells you more about me than you care to know. But … it does point us toward Jesus’ message in our scripture passage this morning.

            We pick up right where we left off last Sunday. Last week’s passage ended with verses about the sword and division. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace. I did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)

            Then he went on to talk about turning sons against fathers, and daughters against mothers, and so on. It was a reference to the prophet Micah when he spoke of what happens when the people of God pursued new ways of being the People of God.

            Jesus came to establish a new way of being God’s people and he knew that it would cause strain, and pain, and division.

            We know that whenever anyone suggests a new way of doing something, there will be resistance. The people who love and follow the old way of doing something will be upset about the new way. They will resist, they will poke holes, they will suggest all of the reasons that the new way will not work, or is incorrect, or invalid.

            We know very well that is the way is in in the church. That is why there are hundreds of denominations or gatherings of the faithful. If you do not like the new way that is being proposed, just break off and start your own “church.”

            People feel comfortable with the old way. It is the perfect fit for their “hands” … their lives. They resist any efforts to change. Some may even go so far as to worship the old way of doing things. They may not realize that they have stopped worshipping God or following Jesus. They may not realize that their way of being and doing church has become the idol that they now worship.

            Doing something new can be difficult. It can be terrifying. It can be divisive and isolating. And that is why Jesus offers this admonition about caring for those who are his messengers.

            As always, Jesus spoke to them using language and traditions that they understood. Welcoming the messenger was part of the ancient Hebrew hospitality code. It said that anyone who welcomed or received the messenger, or representative, or emissary welcomed or received the one that sent them. Welcoming the messenger of the king or the queen welcomes the king himself, or queen herself, and they will be honored because of it. Therefore, anyone who welcomes the messenger, the disciple, the prophet welcomes Jesus himself, and they will be blessed.

            Of course, Jesus also knows that we all possess a variety of gifts. That is the wonder and beauty of the diversity of Creation. Not everyone can be a preacher. Not everyone can be a prophet. Not everyone can be a teacher, or a fund-raiser, or an organizer. But everyone can serve. Everyone can serve in their own unique way.

            The phrase “little ones” has different meanings in scripture. It can mean exactly what it says to us in English … little children. The phrase sometimes refers to those who are beginners in the faith, recent converts. But in this particular case, the phrase “little ones” refers to ordinary Christians or humble Christians.

            Now, let me say that there is nothing “ordinary” about those who have made the decision to follow the Way of Jesus Christ in a world that can be openly hostile toward His Way. There is nothing “ordinary” about any of you gathered here in this room or those watching us online.

            What Jesus is saying here is that our acts on his behalf do not need to be spectacular. They do not have to be stupendous acts that make the local news or even the church newsletter. The simplest act of kindness will do. The simplest act … offering a cup of cool, refreshing water … is a significant act in the heart of God.

            In the pursuit of my new, perfect mug nothing changed about the content … the coffee. I am searching for the vessel.

            When we think of the movements in the Christian church, we are speaking of the vessel or the vehicle that communicates the Way of God, the Way of Jesus Christ, the Way of Love. Some may object to, or resist, new manifestations of God’s love and grace. “I do not like their music!” “Look at the way that they are dressed!” “They do not even meet in a proper building!” I have been guilty of this myself. Not that long ago, I commented to my wife that a certain preacher was not wearing a collared shirt or tie under his robe. Imagine that!

            And there will be those who practice or follow one of the new ways that will criticize or denigrate the more traditional practices. I have been criticized because I wear a robe and shirt and tie, rather than the uniform of the contemporary church leaders … jeans and an untucked shirt.

            We have discussed those who have corrupted the faith or have twisted the language of faith to pursue a particular personal agenda. We have talked about those who choose not to follow he Way of God. That is what the sword is for. But that is not what we are talking about today.

            What we are talking about are those who are sharing the genuine and true faith of Jesus Christ. We are talking about those who are offering the compassion and love of God. If we are offering welcome and care to those whom Jesus welcomed it should not matter the vessel in which the message is carried. The Way of Love welcomes. The Way of Love offers care and kindness. Every act of love, and care, and kindness … even the simplest ones … offer love, and care, and kindness to God.

            May we always be willing to offer that cup of cool, refreshing water. Amen.


Congregational Church


